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Thread: Fuel Lid latch

  1. #1

    Fuel Lid latch

    Has anyone else had to replace the latch that holds the fuel lid closed?

    After taking out thes split pin that holds it in place the spring that places tension on the latch drops down.

    How the hell do you get it back in as when I try to put the split pin back in I have to push against the spring with the latch and it forces the spring down so that the split pin can no longer go through the centre of it and hold it in place.

    The whole mechanism is held into place by an one allen screw that looks to be only accessable if the guard is off.

    Help Help Help!!!!!!!

    RS #101
    2.4S Targa

  2. #2
    You're right about the accessablity (or lack of) of the bolt that holds the mechanism on. But, if you have an Allen wrech and another identical bent offset radially, you can alternate between the 2 wrenchs and loosen the bolt 1/12th of a turn at a time. Or, you could make up an Allen for your 1/4" drive ratchet. In either case, I would put a hex head bolt back instead of the Allen head.

    You can reach this bolt from straight under. However, it is above the cable tube/guide, which makes it a difficult task, to say the least.

    I don't know about taking the split pin (we call them "cotter keys") out and putting it back while the latch is still in the fender (another strange American word). Sounds like trouble.

  3. #3
    5 hours of pondering and 8000 attempts to hold the spring in place and put the latch in with my teeth while holding the "cotter pin" and lining up the hole got too difficult.

    I had to make a t piece to sit under the spring so it wouldn't drop (probably P 20897) and it worked however then I couldn't get the t piece out so I had to remove the spring again and make a collapsable T piece.

    Finally got it fixed.

    As I said bet they do that before the guard goes on!!!!


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