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Thread: Need to be talked through replacing a speedo cable please!

  1. #1

    Need to be talked through replacing a speedo cable please!

    The grooved coupling on the tranny end of my old speedo cable was broken, so I had a shop replace the cable. I drove the car up to Monterey and on my way back the speedo cable broke again. This time 4 inches from the gauge end. Can you say sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So Im' trying to replace the cable by disconnecting it from the gauge, removing the floorboard and pulling back the carpet in front of the gear shift. I have tied on some twine to the gauge end of the cable and was told that the best approach is to pull the bad cable out from the tranny end, tie the twine to the gauge end of the good cable and pull it back through the tunnel.

    All is good except when I try to pull the bad cable out from the tranny end, it isn't budging. So my question is this:

    Is the cable fastened somewhere to the tunnel - perhaps under the shift coupler plate on the tunnel just behind the seats?

    Any pointers are appreciated here! Thanks to all!

    2015 McLaren 650S spider
    2001 Ferrari 550
    2010 Ariel Atom 3
    1979 Ferrari 308gtb

    Paid-up Registry Member & proud of it!!

  2. #2

    speedo cable


    Give me a call.


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