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Thread: A-arm bushings- how bad do they get

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Dallas, TX

    A-arm bushings- how bad do they get


    I am contemplating a front suspension overhaul. I have already done the rear suspension I read somewhere that the a-arm bushings don't detiorate as badly as the spring plate bushings and often don't need replacing. Is that true or should they be replaced? I know my spring plate bushings were completely shot.

    Besides torn boots, are there any visual clues as to the condition of the front suspension without taking everything apart?

    '73 911S targa

  2. #2
    When I did mine, the bushings looked okay, but had deformed to the point that the torsion bars were rubbing on the chassis. Be prepared to replace the bars if the bushings are original.

    As to visual clues, I don't think you can really tell untill you get it apart.
    David Schultz
    1973 911T 2.7
    R Gruppe #228

  3. #3
    How can the T-bar rub on the chasis? It is completly contained by the A-arm. I'm serious, you may have seen something I didn't think was possible.

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