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Thread: R Gruppe PacWest Meet at Gary Emory's 10th Annual Campout

  1. #1

    Thumbs up R Gruppe PacWest Meet at Gary Emory's 10th Annual Campout

    Last edited by a911s; 05-30-2019 at 11:00 AM.
    Randy Wells
    Automotive Writer/Photographer/Filmmaker

    Early S Registry #187

  2. #2
    This is one of the most understated events of the year. Emory's place is incredible. No swap meet comes close to the HUGE inventory of "Obsolete Parts" on Gary's farm. The atmosphere is very laid back because it really is a farm. It's just full of early 911's and 356's instead of da animals.

    We all had a great time last year and really want to build on it this year and many years to come. This is our regions "German Autofest" and "Dunkle Bros".

    It would be great to get some of "R" guys from other regions to come up for the weekend. There are serveral hotels within a 15 min drive if you don't feel like sleeping on the ground. Good food, music, cars and people make it a very special event!

    The drive on Saturday will be a very twisty Pacific NW special!

    73S Sporto
    R GRuppe #259

  3. #3
    I will be there with the Roadster.... and maybe a new Rgruppe type car

  4. #4


    Guess I'll have to call jet Blue now!

  5. #5
    Hope to see some of you on Sunday, the swap meet day. I just LOVE pawing through old stuff...especially the magazine piles.
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  6. #6
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Oh man, sounds cool!

    I'm going to hate to miss this event. We just love it up there. Anyways, regards from me and the Missus. Please take lots of photos.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  7. #7
    Not to divert anyone from the Emory's or the swap meet, but -

    This is also the weekend of the huge SCCA/PCA Rose Cup races at Portland International Raceway. We plan to cut out early on Sunday and spend the day at the track on the way home to Seattle.

  8. #8
    Lighting Specialist jaudette3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Bend, Oregon
    I'll be at Emory's Campout as usual. I just don't know whether to drive my '60 Super 90 Roadster or my '73 911S ??!!

    Gary Emory and I used to go to the same parties at Dick Dale's house in Costa Mesa (Newport Beach) back in the old days. He's just as laid back now as he was then. His place, which is a three or four generation compound, always reminds me of a scene from the movie "Easy Rider" (I'm going back a ways here gang).

    The scene is a barbeque at a ranch in Arizona. There's family everywhere and everyone is having a great time. Captain America (Peter Fonda's character) is seated at a big table next to the rancher, who is the patriarch of the clan. He looks at the rancher and says, "Man, I gotta hand it to you -- you're doing your own thing in your own time".

    So is Gary. And the Campout is a very cool event for the hard-core.

    John Audette

  9. #9
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    John, Kurt:

    Your comments make it even tougher to have to sit this one out. I'm thinking this might be one of the "Don't miss" events for next season.

    Again, photos please, for those of us who can't be there.

    Rick C., pick up some bucket seats for me. Scheels will do nicely!!

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  10. #10

    No fool !

    Sorry to say.......But Gary knows what everything is worth!

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