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Thread: Gas Heater Exhaust Pipes

  1. #1

    Question Gas Heater Exhaust Pipes

    I have a 68 S and the gas heater exhaust is rusted a bit and need replacement. I have the down pipe and muffler, but lack the exhaust pipe. I want to return them to 100% stock appearance. Three questions;

    1. what is the stock color, they are grey primer now?
    2. are they undercoated?
    3. where can I get an exhaust pipe, or do I have to make one?

    Thank you for the help

  2. #2
    Hey, Stuart, welcome to the board. That question may take some time and an expert to answer. Be patient. Someone here probably knows.

    Another suggestion is to reach an old line dismantler. Aase Brothers is out of business, but Dave (?) Aase is running a business in Temecula. He might remember. They had something like 5 acres of Porsches in Anaheim just a few years back.

  3. #3
    I have 2 68Ss, both with gas heaters, I may well take one out completely so you can have the parts, but I will have a look and see if I can answer you questions anyway
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  4. #4
    Thank you Gentleman, I appreciate your help.

  5. #5
    The original color is the high heat flat grey,,,, No there not undercoated.... Your local Porsche dealer can still get most of the original components available for the gas heater !!!!!!!....

    Robert Gross,,,,,,,,,

  6. #6

    My mechanic said, "Don't use it. Don't test it. Don't even think about going there. You are literally playing with fire." I've since removed it from the car, boxed it and shelved it. The only thing I couldn't get out with out some damage was the exhaust pipe. It was so rusted onto the heater I had to cut it off just below the floor. I've heard many a VW and surely a Porsche or two went up in flames with one of those heaters.

    Apologies to all the purists.


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