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Thread: CA Machine Shop Help

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    CA Machine Shop Help

    I am hoping someone in CA can help me out. I sent my 2.2S case, crank w/ rods, fly wheel, etc. to Competition Engineering back in Jan. to have the proper work done for a complete rebuild of the engine.

    I had an initial discussion with Walt about what work needed to be done and that is the last I have heard from him since then. I have left numerous phone messages and sent several emails and I have never heard one thing from him. I heard he was at Rennsport so I think he still alive.

    So is there anyone that knows him and could stop at his shop and find out what is going on with my case? I don't want to piss him off but I would like to know if he has even started my case yet. If somone can do this please contact me and I will give you the job # that was assigned to my case. Thanks.

    R Gruppe #299

  2. #2
    If you knew our geography, you would know that he is in a resort community far off the beaten path in the mountains. Someone might be going up there and could look for you. It would be a nice drive, but he would know you didn't just stop by becuase you "were in the neighborhood."

    I think it's time for you to simply write a letter and send it certified mail. You might include a SASE for a response. Be tactful, but firm and be prepared to take your case back not done. We have at least 2 other capable shops locally.

    This certainly is a wakeup call for those that might be considering CE's work and getting it done this year.

  3. #3
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    I didn't know his shop was in a remote location. So you are probably right, no one from here will be able to just drop by and check it out. At this point I would gladly welcome an offer from someone to make the trip there to get some info. Sending a letter, as you describe, would be my last option but I may need to do so if he continues to keep me in the dark.

    What other shops would you recommend if I do take my case back? Thanks.

    R Gruppe #299

  4. #4
    Ollies in Santa Ana Ca has a good rep and EMS (engine machine service) in Santa Monica is rumored to do all of Otto's work. If you don't know Otto's (John Williams or Wiliamson), that might not mean much. He is a local shop and track record holder.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Homemade 911's Avatar
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    Comp. Eng.

    I sent you a PM regarding competition engineering...I live close the shop and Walt's a good friend of mine.
    Thom Kuby

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the info on those shops. Again that would be my last option. I really want the work done at CE.

    Thanks also to Thom for his kind offer to help sort this out for me. This board is a great place to find help as well as give help.

    R Gruppe #299

  7. #7
    This post makes me wonder about machine shops in general.
    We all know that automotive repair facilities can, at times, have a hard time meeting their proposed completion deadlines. I know lots of things can come up and many shops do get things done when they say they will.
    However, I've found that machine shops can be really off on their time estimates. Even really good shops with excellent reputations can delay the completion of a job by weeks and often months. I don't know if they are just unrealistc in their scheduling or if they have "favored" customers whose work pushes back the work of others. I've had engine work at machine shops for 5 months which seems a bit long to me.
    Is this just a case of the squeaky wheel?
    Bruce Herrmann
    '73 911S

  8. #8
    Probably. It's happened me.

    I'm beginning to wonder if the venerable RIMCO of VW fame doesn't do 911 work. They seem to have the volume of work to keep up a good flow. I've never had anything take over 2 weeks and, in many cases, less.

  9. #9
    Do you folks really believe that CE is the only place on earth that has done Porsche work? That is BS, plain and simple.
    Any competent machinist can do work on ANY vehicle if they are given specs and dimensions. The rest of it is just nuts and bolts as my favorite machinist likes to say. He's built more racing engines than any of us could imagine and while they were not "Porsche" engines they were no less complicated and many have survived 5 or more seasons of racing in very brutal conditions.
    I would not send any work to a shop that was know for being unrepsonsive.
    I've run my own business for 27 years and the first thing you learn is to communicate even if you don't have anything to tell.
    Being busy is no excuse not calling or communicating. We actually had to use the USPS and the telephone company "in the old days"!

    Find another shop; Period.

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    As a follow up I want to give a public thanks again to Thom for making a trip to CE and talking with Walt. He informed me that Walt had been out the last three weeks due to an illness and to make matters worse, one of his key employees left leaving just Walt and his son-in law to run the shop. Thom also told me that my case was in process and that Walt would be contacting me this week.

    In the meantime another Early S member and fellow R Grupper has allowed me the use of a rebuilt engine that he had not installed yet in a car. The engine is a '73 S motor rebuilt to RS by Paul Weir several years ago. We both want to see how it runs so I went to Chicago on Friday to pick it up and then dropped it off at my mechanic's shop that afternoon. I am hopefull he will be putting it in soon. Check it out.

    I will use the OEM muffler from the Targa instead of the one currently on the motor.

    R Gruppe #299

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