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Thread: '67 S Fuchs

  1. #1

    '67 S Fuchs

    I must say that I am smitten with the Slate Gray '67 S in the picture below. From the picture, it looks to be riding on its original 4.5" Fuchs. I am curious to know from the owner or someone familiar with the car what size and brand of tires are being run with these wheels. From my experience, the tire choices are slim at best for these wheels. Regardless, beautiful car!
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  2. #2
    Howard's a pretty busy MD guy...doesn't visit the boards often. He'll probably bring the car to the historic races in Portland @ PIR next month...I'll try to remember to take a peek at the tires for you...I'll also send him a link to this thread..he might want to weigh in...I will add that the car is better looking than the pics indicate!
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  3. #3
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    La Jolla, CA
    You can always buy the high-buck Michelins from Coker Tire, but there is a Kumho 758 tire made in a 165/80-15 that will fit those 4.5" rims and resemble the OEM tire. It is available thru Tire Rack for $27/ea.

    Other than that, you have to go to a 185/65-15 to get any kind of selection in tires these days, and a 185 pooches out pretty badly on the early 4.5" Fuchs rim.

    I have to say that unless you are driving to a concours, you'd be crazy to use the original rims on the road if you do any performance driving in a SWB 911. They are antiquated, to say the least. Tire technology has come a long way since 1967, and I am quite happy to give up originality and quaintness for safety and performance. I run 6" Fuchs w/ 205/60-15 on my '67S on the street.

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
    Rennlist Founding Member #990416-1164
    PCA National DE Instructor
    Read my surf novel!

  4. #4
    I am in the midst of deciding if I should squander $500 for some 165 Michelins from Coker or use common sense and buy the Kuhmo's for slightly more than $100. Anyone have a picture of the Kuhmos? I want to keep the stock 4.5" chromes on my car. It will never be a concours entrant, just clean original. If I want wider tires I will have a set of 6" Fuchs as an alternative.

  5. #5
    Defender of the Normal John Fusco's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Does anyone know if it would is possible to make a later flat six look like an early (67) set of fuchs or would it look silly ?. See picture of grey car on left above.

  6. #6
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    I did an early deep 6 like the 4.5's, and it looked great.....might be interesting to do the later 6's that way, they are shallower on the outside of the rim...might look pretty good! I've since upgraded to 911R's on the rear.

    By the way.....I was riding with Randy Well's last November in an RGruppe drive...and Howard's 67 was being driven by a buddy of his....that car with the 4.5's had NO problem keeping up with all of us with later car's and wider tires.......

    From memory Howard's car has 165/15 Michelin XZX's on it.

    67S RGruppe (225/50 15's on rear)
    67S Soft window targa, will have 4.5's
    67S Coupe (MAJOR project....)

  7. #7
    Defender of the Normal John Fusco's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    I think I may try that with some flats. I am tempted to look for some 4.5's, but would put steel wheels on them.
    Was Howards Buddy Vic Elford ?

  8. #8
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    Howard's buddy does have track time...but not Vic Elford.

    We followed him onto a sweeping freeway onramp, and he definitely was difficult to keep up with.


  9. #9
    Her's a pic of Chris in Schmidts 70S. They grew up togather and Chris was visiting last 4th of July weekend. Chris is holding up seven fingers because between us we managed to get him behind the wheel of six 911S and one 914-6 that weekend. Chris had alot to smile about. Three of the cars were 2.7RS Spec, two were 2.2S and 0ne was 2.4S. He said hands down his favorite was H's 67S... This 4th of July he's trying to top last year by getting married. Congradulations Chris!

    73S 2.7RS Spec Sporto
    R Gruppe #259
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  10. #10
    Yeah, Chris was driving the wheels (4.5"!) off that car as Eric and I followed him back to Portland. I also remember that feeway onramp - there was some throttle steering going on there!
    Randy Wells
    Automotive Writer/Photographer/Filmmaker

    Early S Registry #187

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