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Thread: Mystery starting problem

  1. #1

    Mystery starting problem

    Here's the deal. Over the past weeks I have experienced a periodiac problem with starting and the engine just quiting. When it doesn't start it cranks just fine. I go thru my starting normal starting routine and it just cranks and cranks but doesn't fire. It also has quit a few times on me when driving. No sputter or cough,...just like someone turned the key off.
    I have only experienced this a few times out of many starts over the last 2 months or so, but it is enough that I always need to cross my fingers before turning the key. It never left me stranded, but I needed to give it a 'time out' for awhile.
    Yes I know... fuel and spark. I do know that it sparks when pulling a plug and cranking the motor.
    I have done the normal seaches here and on Pelican, but would like to hear from someone with an early car with MFI. Points, dwell, fuel pump?

    Any help would be much appreciated. I need my confidence back so I can start driving the car all over the place.
    Early 911S Reg #544

  2. #2

    Starting problems...

    any possibility of a previous owners installed 'kill switch' somewhere????
    Bahia Red '72 911S
    Meerblau PTS 2019 Speedster
    GP Silver, 2018 GT2RS WP....the BEAST
    Daytona Gray 2021 RS6 Avant....BEAST #2...Best daily EVER

    ES #333

    GONE...MANY, many great ones....

  3. #3
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Surf City USA
    Hmmmm........ first off I just gotta ask....which one in your stable of Porsche Ponies are we refering to !!!!

    (I know you were expecting a reply like this from me!!! )
    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  4. #4

    Lightbulb The Answer is....

    Quote Originally Posted by RSupdate
    Hmmmm........ first off I just gotta ask....which one in your stable of Porsche Ponies are we refering to !!!!

    (I know you were expecting a reply like this from me!!! )
    ....THE RED '72! It was a VERY INTERESTING's an in person story tho....HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON TO TELL IT!!!
    Bahia Red '72 911S
    Meerblau PTS 2019 Speedster
    GP Silver, 2018 GT2RS WP....the BEAST
    Daytona Gray 2021 RS6 Avant....BEAST #2...Best daily EVER

    ES #333

    GONE...MANY, many great ones....

  5. #5


    Toms car is the sweet signal yellow, curb rub restoration. His car has monster history, and a little prob. Focus!

    I cannot help, am a carb guy, sorry! Shawn.
    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  6. #6
    69Sman: Yes there is a possiblity of a previously installed kill switch. I found a switch under the radio area, not mounted to anything. I think a tried starting in both positions one time that it didn't fire. Good lead though, I'll try it again!

    Sithot: The car was not completely apart. The glass was out, doors off, hood/deck/sunroof off, all seals and trim removed, but the most of the interior and motor stayed intact. As far a WOT starting, I have also experienced this when it is stone cold.
    My hunch is electrical as well. I have put on new wires and plugs. Should I check points and rotor next? I'll research the fuel transducer.

    Shawn: No need for the sad face about carbs, you can run a sport muffler!

    Thanks for the tips guys...
    Early 911S Reg #544

  7. #7
    If the car has MFI and is hard to start when its cold, there is something wrong with the Cold Start device. Make sure the middle fuse in the fuse panel has not burned out or even popped out of the fuse block.

    Check this out

    If you find that the cold start system has been intentionally disabled, investigate why before hooking it back up. Pay very close attention to old fuel lines. Chances are good that they are cracked, leaking fuel, and need to be replaced. Spraying fuel all over a live fuse panel in the engine compartment is obviously not good.

    I don't remember if a '71 has the sold start injectors mounted in the airbox or not. If you find that they are, I would leave them disabled. Bad fire hazard.

    A lot of people wire the cold start solenoid to a push button so they can dump fuel into the intake stacks when they are starting the car. Check the switch you found to see it is wired to the CS solenoid.
    #711 - expires 12/05
    1972 911T - Sepia 3.2 - For Sale

  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Santa Monica CA

    starting problem-another area

    When I bought my 1970 911S it to had a little blue button to the right of the sterring wheel on the dash. My tech said the procedure was to turn on the key;press the button for 4 to6 seconds; wait for about 10 to12 seconds after that for the fuel to vaporize, then hit the starter. It works good. Also I would consider a Pertronics system in the distributor instead of points. On drives with other Porsches, I have seen a couple of cars disabled because of bad points. Regards Chris R Gruppe#144

  9. #9
    I agree with Chris about the points. I missed a dyno day this weekend because of my points acting up. I installed a crane optical trigger in my distributor and the car is starting and running smoother than it ever has before.
    #711 - expires 12/05
    1972 911T - Sepia 3.2 - For Sale

  10. #10

    Thanks for the tip...sounds interesting. Hard to install? Did you need to replace Tach?

    Early 911S Reg #544

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