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Thread: SSI heat exchangers & MFI

  1. #1
    Senior Member 911kiwi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Auckland, New Zealand. And Los Angeles, USA.

    SSI heat exchangers & MFI

    Hey guys,
    Just got a set of SSI heat exchangers for the 72S & the 73S. Beautifully made but no shroud on the left side to connect to the flapper box. I'm told that they don't make them with this shroud so ..... what do you guys with 72 & 73 cars with MFI do? Does someone in CA fabricate this piece in SS? Do I make up one myself?
    1972 911S
    1967 912
    1959 356A Conv D
    Early S Registry # 306

  2. #2
    There was a "Factory Notice" regarding the secondary heater box and flapper attachment to it that was published eons ago. Our esteemed comrade and Porsche "guru", Roger Grago, acknowledged this fact which I had only heard as a "rumor". He once attempted to find the factory bulletin but was unable to with his schedule being full but the bulletin is real.
    When SSI were developing their boxes one of the people they went to was Chuck Stoddard of Stoddard Imported Cars who for the youngsters here was a pillar of the Porsche community and carried a very big stick. Many of you have never heard of Chuck(or for that matter Bill Jones, Roger Chaney or Robert White).
    Chuck's recommendation was to leave this part off as it presented a problem and I don't think he minced words on what he thought of it if my memory of my conversations with SSI is clear. Again, Porsche even suggested the removal so I'm not spreading rumors that are unfounded.
    So, what you have is the results of Porsche and Chuck Stoddard.
    Lose the flapper box and the heater hose attached to it. You can run the car without any of this and lose nothing other than possibly extreme cold running after start up.
    You can make a plug for the sheemetal very easily and that's all there is to it.

    Good luck,


    PS: I would suggest to any of you who have not done so to pick up the early volumes of Upfixin der Porsche. They are very enlightening. I've had my set for over 20 years. They are fun to read a reflect and understand how it was "way back when".
    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  3. #3
    Senior Member 911kiwi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Auckland, New Zealand. And Los Angeles, USA.


    Thanks, Tom
    Appreciate the reply & the info - will go with your advice.
    1972 911S
    1967 912
    1959 356A Conv D
    Early S Registry # 306

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