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Thread: So Cal area warning: Porsche thief

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Van Nuys, Ca

    Angry So Cal area warning: Porsche thief

    There is this guy running around the so cal area looking to buy parts. Instead of buying them, he steals them when you are not paying attention! Its happened twice already in the SFV in the past 2 weeks. He's ripped off a set of 40 ida webers from one guy, and a couple sets of wheels from another shop. He is about 5' 5" tall, usually wears sandals, weighs about 170 lbs, dark thick hair with filipino features. His name is Noel Ambrosio and there are threads on Pelican re: some of his past escapades. Be careful!

  2. #2
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
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    Dave, I've heard all about him. I'm really surprised that this guy isn't walking with a permanent limp by now. ...and that the police haven't cought up with him. One nasty hombre. A little street justice in in order.

    I hope you didn't get nailed.

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  3. #3
    I sell a few used parts only to clear my shelves. I have taken to specifying "Paypal only." Gets rid of the Nigerian scams and lookie loos. You want it, show me the money. I'll see that the part gets to you. Unless I've met you somewhere and others know you, you aren't welcome at my house.

    I've made exceptions for some like YTKNCLR, Bobaloo, Techweenie and Cvfncrew. Also, a racer from San Diego who is not on this BBS and a few one time deals. When this occurs, the garage is closed and we do business out in the open. Now that I know them, they are welocme. All has been terrific so far.

    Thanks for the heads up. I've heard about Noel before. Too bad that a guy like this makes people the way I am. Which is very skeptical.

  4. #4
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    I personally did not get burned, but from various e mails and contacts today its looking like the behavior of a drug addict- he's done the deed to more than a few shops in so cal these past few months, plus our client. bad checks, stealing the parts when the seller is not looking, bogus rigged parts (longer bolts installed on the center section of a 915 to make it "limited slip"!) etc
    hope the cops catch up with him

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    looks like the detectives are VERY interested this time- 2 different parties that were burned by Noel have filed. He was last seen riding in a black jeep cherokee

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TRE Cup
    looks like the detectives are VERY interested this time- 2 different parties that were burned by Noel have filed. He was last seen riding in a black jeep cherokee
    This guy needs a serious a$$ whippin'. You Cali boys are girlie-men.
    He'd last about 10 minutes around my country brethren and with so much open land he'd never be heard from again. I cannot believe that this is still going on as there has already been a thread on this turd.

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    This is starting to gain momentum, a 3rd shop that was burned by him is getting into it too. One of the shops has Noel's deeds on camera along with the car/ license plate used to do it. Anyone else care to join the feeding frenzy?

  8. #8
    I'd love to track him down. A little advertising for parts in local rags with a decent front and he'd be my meat. You guys can do with him what you will but I'm sure he'd be out on bail in 24 hours and back to his old tricks.
    These types need serious attention with the victims all pressing hard for a long sentence. He should fall up and down the stairs a few times too before you turn him in.
    Any Ukranian Porsche collectors? They'd be happy to make him go away.

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  9. #9
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    As I posted over on Pelican, I am also a veteran of nasty treatment by Noel, and the price is in the "felony" territory. (note that I had previously done business with Noel, and not been burned on many occasions...) I was ripe for plucking.....

    I have all of my documentation including copies of the checks, registered mail receipts etc, and Seattle PD doc. #.

    Happy to provide if someone can lead me in the right direction.


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