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Thread: problems with finding sheet metal-parts hatrack + back seats

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Unhappy problems with finding sheet metal-parts hatrack + back seats

    Hi guys out there,

    i am located in germany so excuse my bad english...

    i am restoring an 72 T-Coupe, which was standing the last 15 years in southern california... it's completly rust-free... with one exeption:
    caused by an bad and old seal of the back-window, water flows under this insulating-mats. Here it has time to do some bad work to the metal...

    The complete metal sheets of the hatrack and the back-seat-hutch is rusty and needs to replace.
    But i dont know where to find this sheet metal components. My local porsche-dealer can't help me too, there are no parts to find in the parts-catalog...

    Can someone here help me in this case? Does anybody know where i can find this parts??? Or does anyone have a part-number?

    Please help me out, i dont want to kill an other car to get the sheet metal i need...

    best regards
    1972 T targa vipergreen in very bad condition (what should i do with it?)
    1972 T Coupe in restoration (i'll do many work on it)
    1978 SC Targa in good condition and a lil bit more hp's than the original 180 (al lil bit to new for me, but a great driver)

  2. #2
    My '73 had this problem from the speaker shelf to the heel kick panel.

    Warning: Gruesome pic

    Restoration-Design has been planning to make replacement panels for this entire section of the car for the last two years. The only other option is to cut this section out of a donor.

    Finding a donor car in this area was not a realistic goal in my area and I couldnt wait for Restoration-Design to tool up and start making the panels. I cut everything out of this car and fit some flat aluminum and galvanized sheet metal into the car. It was not 'correct' at all, but I think it worked out pretty well for this car.

    Ive got a bunch of pics of what I did for this section of the car. If you want to see them send me a PM with your email address and I'll send them out.

    Good luck.
    #711 - expires 12/05
    1972 911T - Sepia 3.2 - For Sale

  3. #3
    Righteous Indignation 70SATMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Santa Cruz, CA
    OMG! I was going to start pulling my rear seats and carpet/shelf today. All my seals are shot and my car was in storage since 85.

    I'm scared now and my mommy is to far away to hold my hand.
    “Electricity is really just organized lightning”

    -Dusty 70S Coupe
    -S Registry #586

  4. #4
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by 70SATMan
    OMG! I was going to start pulling my rear seats and carpet/shelf today...
    Michael, I certainly hope she was stored indoors!

    Anyone know the status of the Restoration Design panels? It'd be a shame to kill an early 911 for the part... although we've all seen some that should be put out of their misery. I wonder if a shorthood S or SC bulkhead panel would fit?
    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JCR
    I wonder if a shorthood S or SC bulkhead panel would fit?
    Yes. A section from a later car would better since it would be galvanzied. The best option I found was to look for a car that had been hit in the front. Problem for me was that there are no p-car salvage yards anywhere near here.

    The last time I talked to Restoration Design about these panels Bill still did not have the tooling to make them. He knows there is a need for them and says he is definitely going to make them in the future.
    #711 - expires 12/05
    1972 911T - Sepia 3.2 - For Sale

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    oh jesus!
    Shui, the pic looks very shocking, yours was still more worse then mine is. But i am intersted in your solution --> you have am pm. But in germany we have to restore original to get the car legal

    And now my personal drama:
    I have a second car. It is my own old 72 targa i was driving the last years. it is not in good condition and it needs a full restoration. But this panels i need are rust-free... oh ****, what shoud i do? Kill the car, that was my fast friend over the last years???

    It seems, that i have to do it...
    I was looking, but in germany i can't find a usable donor to a price thats worth. The last was the back half of a 73 Coupe. But the owner wants to have about 2000$ thats to much money for this panels...
    later 2.7 or SC's was the same... to much money for the donors...

    But i cant wait any longer, because the car is now ready for re-painting and now its time to do the welding work.

    So i think i have to take the panels from my targa and then i will hope for the future to find a good donor or a re-manufactured repair panel...

    oh i will cry when i put the angel grinder on my old car...

    best regards
    1972 T targa vipergreen in very bad condition (what should i do with it?)
    1972 T Coupe in restoration (i'll do many work on it)
    1978 SC Targa in good condition and a lil bit more hp's than the original 180 (al lil bit to new for me, but a great driver)

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Dallas, TX

    Will TüV actually inspect that rear panel? Once you put the rear cover and seats, and the sound pad in the engine compartment, no one would be able to tell that you replaced the part.
    '73 911S targa

  8. #8
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Hi Neil,
    a car which is more than 30 years, you can get a historic authorisation, which is much cheaper than a newer car to drive in germany. And a car with a historic authorisation is much more worth than one without...

    But this requires a special TÜV-checkup, where every detail is checked exactly in both ways: originality and road safety.

    And the back-seats you can see from under the car very good. The hattrack would be the minor problem to cover. But the back seat-plates...

    best regards
    1972 T targa vipergreen in very bad condition (what should i do with it?)
    1972 T Coupe in restoration (i'll do many work on it)
    1978 SC Targa in good condition and a lil bit more hp's than the original 180 (al lil bit to new for me, but a great driver)

  9. #9
    What did you find when you contacted Mittlemotor in Germany and Autofarm in England?

  10. #10
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Holy smoke! Thats a lot of ''very wrong rust'' Shui.

    Winni, Maybe ''Van Zweeden'' in the Netherlands can help you. Better sent them a fax. Their e-mail is down. 0031-0-118582768

    ''Van Zweeden'' sells various used porsche metal parts.

    Good luck from ''the wet'' netherlands.

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