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Thread: New Guy on the Board

  1. #1

    New Guy on the Board

    Greetings all,
    I'm new here and gotta say...this is a great website. I hope to contribute when I can.
    Paul Schooley
    71 911T (RS wanabe w/2.7L juice)
    S Reg #863
    R Gruppe #330

  2. #2
    I think they usually say," This thread is useless without pics." Let's see the Grupper!

  3. #3

    New Guy

    No problem: The website is being updated this week with some new stuff as well.
    Paul Schooley
    71 911T (RS wanabe w/2.7L juice)
    S Reg #863
    R Gruppe #330

  4. #4
    Nice car, great job on the wheels! I agree that the rear reflector has to go. Have you seen the rear panel on Jack Olsen's BBII? Since you have to go looking, check that puppy out. I like the flush look, just not with a reflector.

    Keep the pics coming.

  5. #5
    His car was in Excellence. Ain't that the 911R rear tailight treatment he gave it? I think it looks outstanding myself.
    Paul Schooley
    71 911T (RS wanabe w/2.7L juice)
    S Reg #863
    R Gruppe #330

  6. #6
    Paul, I've never seen a 911 with a windmill on the roof. Was that a factory option in the Holland market?

    1972 911S- viper green
    1970 914/6- tangerine
    1967 Ferrari 330GTC- oro chiaro

  7. #7
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Welcome aboard's about friggin' time!!

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  8. #8
    Sometimes us old farts just need a tad more time to get around to things... lol Yes, the windmill is my new turbo kit I installed. My Porsche baseball cap has a matching one as well.
    Paul Schooley
    71 911T (RS wanabe w/2.7L juice)
    S Reg #863
    R Gruppe #330

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Paul, I've never seen a 911 with a windmill on the roof. Was that a factory option in the Holland market?

    Funny as this car is now going to Holland. I'll see if I can photograph it with a real windmill in the background.


  10. #10
    I remember you from rennlist many moons ago.

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