View Poll Results: What optional color would you like to see available with the first batch in March?

19. You may not vote on this poll
  • 925 Silver Metallic

    2 10.53%
  • 936 Silver Metallic

    5 26.32%
  • 328 Gulf Blue

    3 15.79%
  • 414 Olive

    2 10.53%
  • 133 Gold Metallic

    1 5.26%
  • 330 Gemini Blue Metallic

    0 0%
  • 324 Blue Metallic

    2 10.53%
  • 218 Leaf Green

    2 10.53%
  • 021 Red Metallic

    0 0%
  • 019 Gulf Orange

    2 10.53%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: FS: ‘Lackstift’ Paint Touch-up Sticks 1960-1973 - Now Available!

  1. #1
    Fast in, slow out Carl Bauer's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Denver, CO

    FS: ‘Lackstift’ Paint Touch-up Sticks 1960-1973 - Now Available!


    I’ve begun work on my winter project which I hope to have completed by the beginning of March 2011. In a moment of insanity before Thanksgiving I started toying with the idea of recreating the style of Lackstift paint touch-up pencils that Porsche once offered as an accessory starting in about 1960.

    How hard could it be?

    I began by creating a paint code/name spreadsheet with my Red Book, color charts and other resources to see what kind of paint challenge/nightmare I created for myself. It’s a BIG one: 32 unique standard paint colors from 1960-1973, with usually between 7-9 standard colors each cycle. It’s a little different than the standard black, red and white of today!

    However, since Porsche indicated not just the paint name but the paint code as well on the outside of the bottle there are at current count 63 unique standard color Lackstifts from 1960-1973! As an example, many of you know when Slate Gray was offered as a standard color the paint code changed over time from 6001, 6201, 6401, 6601 and finally 6801. As a result there won’t be just 1 Slate Gray Lackstift but 5 variations of it spanning 1960-1969.

    Naturally, some standard colors will be more popular than others, more Light Ivory (1964-1973) will be needed than Gulf Blue (1966-1967) but my goal is to have several of each standard color available from the outset. To make things a little more complicated there will be a few optional color Lackstifts I will include at the beginning. All 356 colors from 1960-1965 will be available. Additionally, I will make available optional colors if they were a standard color at some point. For example, between 1960-1973 Black was a standard color in one color cycle 1966-1967 (6609). In addition to those standard color codes I will also offer Black as the optional color codes: 6013, 6213, 6413, 6838 and 700. The way I see it is I already have the paint so why not make the screen prints with the correct color codes for the optional years? Unfortunately, the owner of a car painted Rose Red / Fraise (024) might have to wait a little longer! That said, if there’s a specific optional color you’d like to see offered feel free to post the name and color code here so I can keep track of what you guys need. After a little while I’ll add a poll to this thread so you guys can determine the most popular optional color to include in the first batch.

    Of course that’s just the paint data… there are many more steps. In no particular order: 2 different die cut boxes to make, drawing and injection molding of the red button on the cap top, painting the bottles themselves, creating the bottle graphics and screen printing them on just like the originals. As you can see I have lots of after-hours work ahead of me in the next 3 months. I hope to document all of it here and hopefully it goes smoothly!

    Price is projected to be somewhere between $75 - $100 but I won't know for sure until all the steps are complete and the total cost is in.


    Last edited by Carl Bauer; 01-29-2011 at 09:07 AM.
    Carl Bauer - OBP
    1979 RoW 911SC
    1969 Subaru 360 - 1969 Winkelmann WDF1 - 2016 KTM RC390

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by andrea70 View Post

    BTW may be some will be interested in an empty lackstift so they can poor in the paint that they are going to paint there car with.


  4. #4
    Senior Member joegt3cup's Avatar
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    I'm in Polo Red 1967 !
    Joe Annicelli
    Early 911S Registry #751
    Polo Red/Black 1967 Porsche 911S Coupe "Walter"
    Black/Red 1967 Alfa GTJr. Coupe "Nero"
    Italian Red 1994 Ducati 900SS/SP looks fast standing still
    Italian Red 1957 Gilera 150 Sport

    Ahhhh the sixties... I envision myself one early Saturday morning wearing plaid shorts, black shoes with white socks smoking a cigarette heading to the hardware store to buy a bag of nails.
    SWB cars are an acquired taste however once acquired theirs no turning back.

  5. #5
    Vintageracer John Straub's Avatar
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    I'm in for number 6405!!!!

    1959 356 Coupe, 1600 Super, sold
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    1962 356 Cab, show car, sold.
    1965 911 #301111, Red Book Vol 1 "Cover Car," owned 54 years.
    1967 911 #307347, bare-bones, some road wear, a little surface rust, and a few dents..., owned 14 years.
    1970 914/6GT, (Sold - ran the last three Rennsports)owned 30 years.

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    Registry #983
    R Gruppe #741

  6. #6
    Excellent News Carl!

    Count me in for two Bahia Red please.

    1313 on the COA.......022 on the door jamb tag.

    Last edited by FL-Frank; 12-14-2010 at 02:15 PM.

    Frank Kohnen
    Jupiter, FL USA
    Registry Member #921
    1972 Bahia Red 911 Coupe #9112100390..."Rudy" SOLD
    1967 Savannah Beige VW Beetle Sedan #117364457..."Heidi"...aka "Tinker Toy"

  7. #7
    Awesome news - count me in! Metallic Silver, 8080 ('71 911 Coupe).


  8. #8
    Fast in, slow out Carl Bauer's Avatar
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    Denver, CO

    Your request for 8080 brings up an interesting paint code quirk. I have about 90 photos of 911 era lackstifts and I have never seen one with the 1970 or 1971 paint tag codes on them. What I have seen are colors with 70XX marking on them as if they were continuing the year + 2 digits format from previous years. They are Bahia Red (7001), Signal Orange (7007) and Conda Green (7008). I have talked with a number of people on EarlyS and none of them have seen or heard of these codes on anything other than the Lackstifts I've mentioned.

    My theory is that the Lackstifts for 1970 and 1971 (same group of std. colors for both years) cars used 70XX codes instead of those listed on the chart attached below. The three codes listed earlier are documented and if my theory is correct that is what will appear on my reproduction Lackstifts in those years. I just need the codes for the other 6 std. colors to finalize the list...

    Anyone have a cross reference sheet or any new info?


    Quote Originally Posted by John P View Post
    Awesome news - count me in! Metallic Silver, 8080 ('71 911 Coupe).

    Last edited by Carl Bauer; 12-12-2010 at 07:48 PM.
    Carl Bauer - OBP
    1979 RoW 911SC
    1969 Subaru 360 - 1969 Winkelmann WDF1 - 2016 KTM RC390

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Hi Carl,

    Another great project idea. I would like a Tangerine/Blutorange from '73 please.

    R Gruppe #299

  10. #10
    Senior Member gulf908's Avatar
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    I'm in also for a 8080 silver for my '71 coupe.
    Looks like a mammoth task you have ahead of you.
    Make sure you get out for a pizza and beer occasionally !

    1970 914-6 - materialised from the 'Lotto' garage into reality
    1971 2.2 911 S - now back in the UK - sob!
    1975 Carrera Targa (ROW) - missed.
    One of us is fast becoming a valuable antique.
    S Registry member 536
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