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Thread: 69S MFI Stacks / 69E Throttles / 69 Fuel Lines

  1. #1

    69S MFI Stacks / 69E Throttles / 69 Fuel Lines

    Hi Guys,

    I have a set of 69S MFI stacks on a set of 69E throttles. The crossbar and fuel lines are included. One of the stacks is corroded badly. Asking $500 for everything.

    Here are some details Matt Blast from kindly sent to me.

    Early '69 throttles. The early ones had a different shape to the middle throttle arms which yours definitely have, and the very very early '69's had a 13mm flat on the nuts holding the arms onto the throttle shafts, which I think I see on your throttles. The throttles are E spec with the 32mm bottom. The stacks are '69 S as per the casting number. At some point the E stacks were replaced with S stacks which happened on occasion. The fuel lines are '69 only. Crossbar is '69-71.


    Attached Images Attached Images
    Brad Davis
    RGruppe #691
    Early 911S #1547

  2. #2
    Lower Price Bump

    Thanks - Brad
    Brad Davis
    RGruppe #691
    Early 911S #1547

  3. #3
    Hi. Are they still for sale ?????

  4. #4
    Hi derm.1785,

    Yes the parts are still for sale. Please let me know if you have any questions..


    Brad Davis
    RGruppe #691
    Early 911S #1547

  5. #5
    Sorry Brad just got back from working away. Still for sale?????. if so how much and can i see photos of inside ports and butterflies, are they clean or worn, and i assume they are 2 ltr??

    thanks Derm.

  6. #6
    Hi Derm,

    The stacks are still for sale. They are 2.0 1969. Here are some more pictures. I will work on getting some of the ports and butterflies.


    Attached Images Attached Images
    Brad Davis
    RGruppe #691
    Early 911S #1547

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Hello Brad,
    I would like to buy the parts you are offering,
    Please give me a call at 386 405 1249 I have a shipper number that you can use for shipping.

  8. #8
    Thanks David,

    I will call shortly.

    Best regards,

    Brad Davis
    RGruppe #691
    Early 911S #1547

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