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Thread: What makes a 1969 911 unique?

  1. #1
    Senior Member beh911's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    What makes a 1969 911 unique?


    After researching the 69 MY on this fabulous site, I had this idea for a thread: How about an attempt at an evolving, definitive thread for all things unique to 69. Not only was the this year a 'first' for Porsche on a number of somewhat obvious fronts (longer wheelbase comes to mind), but it was also a year of 'onlys', as well as 'firsts and onlys' and 'lasts' (wasn't the MFI pump unique to 69?).

    My thoughts for the thread are on the objective side, but opinions on 69 uniqueness are fine. So any parts (unobtanium, NLA, readily available) or one off design attempts by the factory and the reason or opinion for change are welcome. The posts could be across T,E, and S cars, but an S emphasis is most interesting (to me at least). Basically, I want to learn from this knowledgeable group of enthusiasts, so please indulge me .

    Pictures and part numbers, opinions on scarcity or newer alternatives are all welcome. References to other threads would be great as well.

    I'll start with a few I found today:

    The clutch disk is unique and scarce, NLA from Porsche:

    The rear decklid was unique according to this thread, starting mid year 68 and ending in 69:


    Sources include contributors on S Registry, The Porsche911 Story by Frere, and Excellence was Expected by Ludvigsen
    Last edited by beh911; 10-30-2011 at 10:49 AM. Reason: update to summary page

  2. #2
    The 67 and 69S are the oddball vehicles that make them unique. The MFI on the 69S was the first one put on a 911. It is also the only one put on the 2.0 liter engine. It went to 2.2 in 1970. The 69 is also the only LWB with the 2.0 engine in it. I think the 69 was the first year to use 2 6 volt batteries for weight distribution. Please check me on this one

  3. #3
    First year for dual batteries, revised heat/fresh air system, CD ignition on E and S, hand throttle, flip out door map pockets, new style ball joint, VIN on riveted plate on A pillar, fuel vapor collector under cowl, 6" wheels, aluminum S frt. calipers, sealed rear axle bearings, glue on inside rear view mirror, front vent windows became fixed, horn grills were smaller, first production use of front oil cooler, black wiper blades and arms, and a one year only wiring harness.
    Early S Registry member #90
    R Gruppe member #138
    Fort Worth Tx.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by edmayo View Post
    and a one year only wiring harness.
    Saved the best for last, eh?
    SReg. #778 OGrp: #8 RGrp: #---
    TLG Auto: Website
    Searching for engine #907495 and gearbox 902/1 #229687

  5. #5

    What makes a 1969 911 unique?

    Ah yes Marco, you've been there haven't you
    Early S Registry member #90
    R Gruppe member #138
    Fort Worth Tx.

  6. #6
    Just to clarify NV Stig's comments, MFI was also fitted to 69Es
    Jeff Eelkema
    69E (project)
    S Reg #1431
    Aust TYP 901 #132

  7. #7
    Jeff is right! I had to check on that, but he is spot on. I guess that goes without saying when you have an E I didn't know that tid bit, I learned my one thing for the day. Also, 69 was the first year for the magnesium crank case.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Fishcop's Avatar
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    Three bar engine grill (1 year only)

    And I stand to be corrected, but wasn't it the only year the "soft window" targa was produced?
    Last edited by Fishcop; 03-07-2011 at 12:25 AM.
    John Forcier
    EarlyS #1987
    1968 911 Race Car "Grun Hilda"
    1969 S/T interpretation "Blau Healer"
    Restoration Saga

  9. #9
    #2264 classic's Avatar
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    Gold Coast.
    Last year that they used Webber Carbs 69T

    First year for bright dip alloy window frames

    3 bar engine grill 69 only. Correct me if i'm wrong on that one?

    Unique sun visors

    Introduction of Gas burner wheels

    Introduction of the Hella 169 fog lights

  10. #10
    #2264 classic's Avatar
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    Nov 2004
    Gold Coast.
    You beat me on that one John

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