I have communicated with Porsche Spain. They insist that the abandoned car manufactures with a deposit of 90L not 85L. I have commented that it may be a mistake of dates and extras but I have been told no. That was 90L. I have to believe what they tell me? Or do I have to believe what I see xd? As of today I do not know how there can be this type of faults in Porsche! They have raised a whole culture but the really important points take them away from reality! If I had not investigated the car right now I would say by saying that I have a tank of 90L ... The seriousness is fading with time?
By the way. I have the alternator fan removed but I can not remove the blades. I have looked through different sites and found strange but functional methods (hangers, etc ...) but I have not found any of my liking. Apply heat to the central axis or do you not recommend heat in this area?

VIN 9112300576

Modelo 911 S Coupé

Año/modelo: 1972


· 220 Diferencial autoblocante

· 402 Amortiguadores Koni

· 424 Depósito de combustible de 90 l

· 440 Antena y altavoz

· 568 Cristales tintados

· 569 Protecciones contra impactos en parachoques trasero

· 650 Techo corredizo

· 651 Elevalunas eléctrico

Sin otro particular, reciba un cordial saludo

Elena Moreno
Responsable Atención al Cliente

Departamento Atención al Cliente
Avenida de Burgos nº87
28050 Madrid