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Thread: Re: Early 911 paint colors

  1. #1

    Re: Early 911 paint colors

    I have a 1973 911 which I plan to paint after the upcoming driving season. The car was originally Olive (414). I don't think that I can live with that color but would like to use a period correct color. Any ideas where I could get paint color samples? Maybe a sales brochere from that era? I have the 911 Red Book but all that they give is color name and code. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Re: Early 911 paint colors

    You can try AJUSA ( They have a book with paint chips available. You should also buy the Dr.Johnson early 911/912 Restoration Book. He illustrates all factory options and colors with coorisponding numbers as a cross reference.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3

    Re: Early 911 paint colors

    I have a 1968 paint chip brochure that was available to customers, and a 1970 paint chip dealer booklet. I can bring them to the literature meet in LA in Feb for you to review. You can probably buy any year of these at the Lit meet in Feb....

  4. #4

    Re: Early paint colors

    Thanks for your help guys. Unfortunately I will not be at the lit show as I am an east coast guy.

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