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Thread: Installing new carpets?

  1. #1

    Question Installing new carpets?

    I'm ready to install all new carpet in my 72 S Targa. I've got everything ripped out and carpet ordered. Now I'm looking for any kind of pointers.

    Such as:
    1. What's the best adhesives to use and how much do I apply?
    2. Were do I start front, back or middle of the car?
    3. Do the carpets come in away I'll be able to figure out what goes were?
    4. Any other helpful hints would be apprieciated.


  2. #2
    I like to use regular old contact cement. Use only as much as required to hold it in place. Sometimes carpet has to come out for service, no need to glue every square inch.

    Some brands come with instructions. Others don't.

    Best tip is take your time and dry fit before you cut anything. And you do need to cut.

    The pieces with edging go on top, obviously you need to put the bottom pieces in first. You generally want to start from the rear sides, then proceed forward to the front sides. The center pieces go next, lastly the floor.

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    Thank you Chuck. Every little bit of insite helps.

    Thanks again

  4. #4
    One top tip I got from a 911 upholsterer...... When you come to fit the front map pockets. Look for a small nick on the metal inside the front edge of the door frame where you would wrap the vinyl that forms the leading edge of the map pockets carpet peice. That nick was there to give the original trimmers a guide.

    Having a hair dryer also helps to make the carpet much more malleable. But keep well ventilated. The glue and the heat in a confined space might make you fall over !

    To ask is to seek denial

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