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Thread: Above 5K..I feel a mild vibration

  1. #1

    Above 5K..I feel a mild vibration

    Hello my never ending initial learning phase on my 70T, I have become more comfortable pushing it slightly......when revving over 5k in second and third I notice a mild vibration that seems to be coming from the engine(I feel it most in my seat back)...I realize this could be a little vague to properly diagnose but what should I consider before having a pro check it seems to improve at around 5400k.......stock engine/exhaust w/115k and worn valve guides........

  2. #2
    What immediately jumps to mind is that you center pannel is probably slightly touching the exhaust can/muffle causing vibration at certain RPM. This is extremely common.

    Otherwise, it might be your flywheel being slightly out of whack.
    SReg. #778 OGrp: #8 RGrp: #---
    TLG Auto: Website
    Searching for engine #907495 and gearbox 902/1 #229687

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