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Thread: '73Resto: Finishing details - question

  1. #1

    '73Resto: Finishing details - question

    Can someone tell me if the '73S had rear seat straps like the '71's did to hold up/back the seatbacks and lash them to the tiedowns onthe rear interior deck?

    My neighbors orig '71T has them, and they are quite nice for hold those seatbacks up when hauling around the kiddies (often in both our cases).

    If anyone has a pic out of a '73 I'd appreciate it.
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  2. #2
    All early 911's had 'em wasn't a lashdown, tho. It was leather straps with snap attachments...female snap on the leather straps that are hooked to the rear seatbacks, snap into a male snap when shelf is down. Also a male snap on the rear package shelf, under the window. Your chosen restorer doesn't know this????
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  3. #3


    I sent a pic of one of the "Exxon Valdez" rear seat straps to you via email. It appears that I have run out of cyber space to host pics. I wonder how that happened?

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  4. #4

    I haven't asked him yet. I usually get the 'truth' here, then bring it up with him. Helps me gauge the 'honesty and knowlege' in his answers.

    Shawn - thanks. I'll check my mail. Did you find your 2.2L project yet?
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  5. #5

    Re: Chris,

    Originally posted by Shawn
    I sent a pic of one of the "Exxon Valdez" rear seat straps to you via email. It appears that I have run out of cyber space to host pics. I wonder how that happened?


    Can you send me pix of your strap also? I would like to show them to my wrench. larry at chester dot com.

    Early 911S Registry Member #537

    73 - Viper Green 911E Targa - Kermit - Gone but not forgotten

    Kermit's Short Story and Pix on the 911E Website

    06 - Lexus IS250 MT6
    98 - Volvo 70V XC

  6. #6
    Why don't you get new ones from the dealer.... there still available and only like $15 ea,,,, and they are completely identical to the originals supplied..

    Regards, robert gross...

  7. #7
    Thanks for the pics. I think they might be different for a '73 than in a '67.

    Robert - On Shawn's, the straps look sewn into the back seam between the edge of the carpet (on the seat back's backside) and the leather (on the frontside). Do you know the part # and how they are mounted (praying its a screw or something easy to mount)?
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

  8. #8
    pull back the carpet slightly and the strap is held in with 2 small common nails,,,real simple... I'll dig up the part 3 for you tonight..


  9. #9
    here's the part # 911.522.063.00

    Regards, Robert...

  10. #10

    Got it, thanks!
    Chris Purpura @civilizedmisfit
    Member #479
    Current Cars:
    1972 911T aka The "Civilized Misfit" Build
    Miss February - EarlySRegistry 2023 Calendar
    1968 911S Ossi Blau/Beige Corduroy

    Past Cars:
    2019 911 Carrera GTS (sold, no regrets)
    73S - #1100 (restored and now somewhere in Europe)
    1997 993 Carrera 4S Black on Black (sold)

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