Quote Originally Posted by HughH View Post

thanks for that other photo of Heinz-Walter Schewe at the 1976 RAC rally. The time of that rally (late November 1976) is in the period where he owned 0294 so I think there is a good possibility that it was that car. It is hard to see what the damage was from that photo but this one shows it better.
New Picture (5).png

I am fairly certain that this car that crashed in the 1976 Lombard RAC was NOT the blue car 0810 as the various commentaries around it on line during a sales process some years ago said that "he had it from new and competed in it in the 74 and 75 RAC - DNF both times" - But no mention of that car being in the 76 RAC where this accident happened. So unless that commentary was inaccurate it would suggest the white car 0294 was the one that crashed in Nov 1976.
A board member in the USA currently owns the blue car and has posted about it on this board. Maybe he can add some information if he is reading this thread

On a further examination I also think that the other photo I posted (post 1199) which showed him at the 1977 Rally Costa Brava (Mid February 1977 so only 2 months after the RAC accident) is more likely to be the blue car 0810 not 0294 as here is a photo of the blue car at the 1976 rallye Trifels (Nurburgring??) ( Schewe Druba car #8) with similar flares and a paint scheme like the one at the rally Costa Brava.
New Picture (6).png

I have photos of the blue car wearing registration numbers SY SW 97 (the same as the car in the crash) as well as HA HS 78. The HA HS 78 plates were on it in 1974 and also in photos in 1976. However this photo shows the SY SW 97 plates on a blue car which I can only believe is 0810 at the Inn-Chiemgau Rallye in October 1976
New Picture (7).png


I have just seen David's post. David I agree but probably not in a two month time frame especially when you have another RS lightweight rally car to use. I would not be surprised if a "reshelling" of the car occurred back at that time accounting for the incorrect spacing of the VIN numbers in the photo from Gert NGT that first started this. After all they were competition cars to be used to the maximum and kept up to date, and safe to use, at that time - not precious things to be wrapped in cotton wool and with owners fussing over tiny details :-) Also according to the board accompanying it he had it from 1974 to 2011.
in this article, they say that Porsche was blue:


Among other things, ended up over 4 people, suffering from various fractures but without life threatening.

Do you know anything about the state of # 0810 from 1978 until 2013? Who restored it in 2013?

What happened to # 0294?